Open-Source Donationware

We are focussed on providing services, therefore our spin-off products are all open source and donationware. Thank you for a little token of appreciation if you find something useful here!
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Refer to the official Rubygems repository to list the gems we provide and maintain.
All gems are cryptographically signed. Please refer to the corresponding README for instructions as how to verify the signature using the current public key.
We maintain some taps for Homebrew as listed on GitHub.
Swiss German Mac Keymap for Windows
Using a Mac keyboard on Windows is no fun but imperative when running a virtual Windows instance on MacOS. This keymap for Windows maps special characters on the Swiss German Mac keyboard.
Here’s an example: The «@» character is available with ⌥
on a Swiss German Mac keyboard. To type this or similar special characters on Windows with this keymap installed, simply add the ctrl-button and type ctrl